Monday, May 13, 2024

25m Standard Pistol

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The 25m Standard Pistol match is shot at 25m with a .22 rimfire semi-auto pistol, shot on a standard Precision target, in timed series of five shots on turning targets. The handgun used in this event must have a barrel no longer than 150mm and a trigger no lighter than 1000g.

25m Standard Pistol is a 60 shot match.

Course of fire:

Four series of 5 shots in 150 seconds

Four series of 5 shots in 20 seconds

Four series of 5 shots in 10 seconds

Below are some examples of the types of .22LR (Rimfire) pistols that would typically be used for 25m Standard Pistol. The same parameters apply for standard pistol as they do for 25m Pistol. You will often find people using the same pistol in both competitions. Although .22LR revolvers are permitted for this match, we would not recommend using one given that it would give you a disadvantage during the quicker timed series.

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