Monday, May 13, 2024

Fit and proper person

The following information can be found on the LRD website.

The Firearms Act 1996 requires that you must be a ‘fit and proper person’ to possess, carry, use, acquire or dispose of a firearm. You may not be considered to be a fit and proper person if you have:

  • a history of irresponsible handling of firearms
  • been deemed to be a ‘prohibited person’
  • findings of guilt for crimes of violence
  • not proven to be of good character
  • a criminal history associated with firearms (eg. armed robbery, assault with a weapon, attempted murder and murder)
  • provided false or misleading information to the police in a firearms matter
  • a record of physical or mental illness which medical evidence suggests you should be excluded from owning or using firearms
  • a record of drug or alcohol misuse which medical advice suggests you should be excluded from owning or using a firearm
  • failed to possess sufficient knowledge and competency in the carriage and use of firearms (eg. you have not completed or have failed the Firearm Safety Course)

There may be other criteria that will prevent you from being considered a fit and proper person. Situations that fall outside the above guidelines will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.